"Alles rundum CO2 Retail-Applikationen" Leitfaden
Lösungen für Kühlmöbel und Kühlräume
Die Wahl der Art des Kühlmittels und der Art des Systems sind von grundlegender Bedeutung bei der Verringerung der Emissionen und die Umwelt schützen.
Hecu sistema - Energieoptimierung in Echtzeit
Lösungen für Kühlmöbel und Kühlräume
Einen großen Beitrag zur Energieeffizienz des Systems leistet die serielle Verbindung zwischen pRack Hecu und den MPX PRO-Steuergeräten, mit denen die internen Kühlstellen (Kühlräume oder...
Lösungen für Kühlmöbel und Kühlräume
Der Kompressor ist die Komponente im Zentrum des Kühlkreislaufs. Er hat die Funktion des zirkulierenden Kühlmittels im Kreislauf, ..

Controllers for cabinets and cold rooms

Controllers for cabinets and cold rooms
  • Allgemeine Merkmale

    MPX is the series of electronic controllers for the management of commercial refrigeration cabinets and cold rooms in convenience stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets.
    Developed on platforms that guarantee high flexibility and scalability, this range of products can meet all market demands for these applications: from ease of use and installation to highly-efficient performance.
    The primary focus of the MPX series is extension of the family feeling concept, both as regards the software functions and ease of use, thus becoming the thread that runs through all of the controllers in the range.


    MPXzero: elegant aesthetic solution with integrated connectivity combined with a capacitive display. 


    MPXone: controller that combines ease of use with the ability tomanage modulating devices.


    MPXPRO: high efficiency performance, ease of use and compact dimensions, without compromise.


  • Vorteile

    Immediate integration into BMS systems

    The BMS serial port can be used connect directly to supervisory systems, without needing an external converter.

    Local network management

    The Fielbus serial port can be used to synchronise actions (such as defrosts and lights and share probes) between uniform groups of cabinets.

    Energy efficiency

    Management of modulating loads (VCC compressors, E2V valves, 0-10V fans) and Fieldbus devices improves unit energy performance by adapting operation to current conditions.

    Simplified interaction

    The advanced NFC and Bluetooth connectivity options, via apps for mobile devices, revolutionise and simplify the day-to-day tasks of manufacturers, installers and maintenance personnel.